Mar 22, 2009

Tini Tutorial

This is an attempt to consolidate the instructions for compiling and running Tom Payne's Tini utility for OS X. It's designed for people who have little or no experience with the OS X Terminal. Tini is a small application for downloading logs from Flytec and Brauniger flight instruments.

First, make sure you have the OS X Developer tools (XCode) installed. It comes with every copy of OS X but may not be installed by default. Just run the installer again to make sure XCode is installed.

Second, download the Tini source code, not the "OS X Binary". The latest version is always available here. Once it's downloaded, unzip the archive, and put the resulting folder on your Desktop.

Third, make sure your OS X Root account is enabled.
  1. From the Finder's Go menu, choose Utilities.
  2. Open Directory Utility.
  3. Click the lock in the Directory Utility window.
  4. Enter an administrator account name and password, then click OK.
  5. Choose Enable Root User from the Edit menu.
  6. Enter the root password you wish to use in both the Password and Verify fields, then click OK.
Fourth, open the Terminal. It's in your Utilities folder which resides inside your Application folder.
  1. Type 'su' and hit return. At the password prompt enter the password you set for your Root User.
  2. Type 'cd ' (with a space after 'cd'). Find the Tini folder on your desktop and drag it to your terminal window. It should enter the full path to that folder in the Terminal. Back in the Terminal, hit return.
  3. Type 'make' and hit return. It'll list a few files, then give you the # prompt again.
  4. Type 'make install' and return. It should be successfully installed!
If you would like to avoid some typing later, follow the directions below. They will replace step 3 above. This is optional!
  • If you're using a Keyspan USA-19HS (most of us are, it's written on the back of the adapter) it's easy. Replace 'make' in step 3 with 'make DEVICE=/dev/cu.USA19H3d1P1.1' and hit return. That will set the Keyspan adapter as the default every time you run Tini.
  • If you're not using an adapter, and have a Compeo+ or 6030, replace 'make' in step 3 with 'make DEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB0' and hit return.
Fifth, it's time to set up your serial port adapter because the default probably won't work. You'll have to do this every time you run Tini unless you followed the italicized directions above when installing Tini.
  • If you're using a Keyspan USA-19HS (most of us are, it's written on the back of the adapter) it's easy. At the # prompt type 'export TINI_DEVICE=/dev/cu.USA19H3d1P1.1' and hit return.
  • If you're not using an adapter, and have a Compeo+ or 6030, type 'export TINI_DEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB0' and hit return.
You should be ready to rock-n-roll! Before downloading type 'cd /' and return to set your current directory to the top level of your Hard Drive. Now type 'tini' and it should download all the tracks to the current directory, or in this case, the top level of your HD. For tini help type 'tini -h' and it will list additional commands.

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